Romsey Toy Library

Romsey Toy Library is a toy lending service which allows parents, grandparents and carers to borrow toys for the low cost of an annual membership

Romsey Toy Library is a service run by a small number of volunteers for other parents and childcare providers.

The facility provides a huge range of toys and equipment, along with specialist toys for children with disabilities, of which many families or carers would not be able to buy.

This service is self-funded and has no regular streams of income except from membership fees and hire charges.

Please support the service by becoming a member.

General Information

Opening hours: -

Saturday 10.00am to 11.00am
Wednesday 3.30pm to 4.30pm
**Closed During School Holiday's**

If unable to attend during open hours, tours are available by appointment

Annual membership: -

Family Membership $35
Playgroup Member Discount $25
Grandparent Membership $25

For further information:
Ph: 0401 085 125 (Hannah)

Community organization